Hamilton, Ontario, ON. April 23 2020 This is an auspicious day. The English in particular note it as St. George’s Day, and as if that weren’t enough, it is also William Shakespeare’s birthday – or would be if he was still around. Still, two calls for celebration in one day is hard to beat. But, wait there’s more, a birding friend texted us today with another cause for celebration, a “White Crowned Sparrow in my garden!”
I am thrilled for her, Alex is a keen student of this birding game and joins me as often as she can, and it pays off. That’s twice in a couple of weeks that she’s shared an exciting, close-to-home bird, two weeks ago it was an Eastern Towhee. Towhees are a nice sighting but after a while tend towards the “Oh Yeah really” response But a White-crowned Sparrow! A gorgeous little bird that would make the running for My Bird of the Day any day.

Well, it seems everyone else is re-writing the rules, so I confer upon White-crowned Sparrow my Bird of the Day c/o Alex. I’m left with limiting myself to reviewing my many photos of them, some of which I share for our collective enjoyment. (The one below was taken on a late November day after a thick wet snowfall. It is a juvenile, identifiable as a White-crowned Sparrow by its all-pink bill – otherwise how would you know).

I don’t know Alex but I do know how fortunate she has been to have had the opportunity to accompany you on your birding outings!! You have so much knowledge to share . .. I thank you for your postings.
Peter, hola!
Always delightful to read your newsletters.
White-crowned Sparrow, what an elegant member of the Sparrow clan.
Keep the photos coming. This is probably how I’m going to birdwatch this year!