Grasshopper Sparrow

Grasshopper Sparrow

Flamborough, ON. July 14, 2020. I went birding today, my first such purposeful foray in several weeks. Watching an Eastern Kingbird, I soon realised that every and any bird would be special today, all could be Bird of the Day just for being there.

Barn Swallow

My first stop was in hope of finding Virginia Rails but there was nothing, the cattail reeds and some dense algae had grown in thickly and only a couple of Northern Watersnakes were quite happy to be exposed and basking. So, I tried a couple of other favourite spots and found myself among true birds of summer: Eastern Towhees (still singing), Eastern Meadowlarks and Barn Swallows.  I had hopes of finding a Blue-winged Warbler, (or maybe a Prairie Warbler!) but came up empty-handed. Although, in my efforts I apparently stirred a Grasshopper Sparrow into some kind of possessive-defensive action. It appeared from nowhere and circled me anxiously and getting a little closer with each circuit.

Grasshopper Sparrow approaching!

It’s a curious looking sparrow.  I have increasing difficulty hearing its almost inaudible buzzing wisp of a song and certainly would have missed it if it hadn’t taken such strong objection to my presence. I left it alone quite happy with it as My Bird of the Day.

Eastern Meadowlark