January 1 2019. Arteban Rd, Ancaster, ON. New Year’s Day, sober or hung over it’s a day of doing nothing much. I whiled away the morning at domestic odds and ends: crosswords, tidying, sorting photos and reading the news on-line. I kept musing that I really should get out and re-find my walking legs after too many idle days. So, after lunch I sent a message to a handful of friends inviting them, on just 45 minutes notice, to join me. “Chance of bluebirds and shrikes. Will welcome your company.” I said. It hit a responsive chord.
It wasn’t much a birding day but the company was bright and we more or less welcomed the fresh north-westerly breeze, cold though it was. When I say it wasn’t much of a birding day, the truth of it was that we encountered perhaps six species. Had we not come across a small group of Eastern Bluebirds quite early in our walk, I think we might have denied that we were even looking for birds had anyone asked.
Eastern Bluebirds are easily our prettiest thrush and some are hardy enough to stay through the winter. Where we were there was an abundance of rose hips and I’m sure the bluebirds were drawn to them. I found bluebirds in roughly the same location last March and wrote about them and included some very satisfying photos. They are an easy bird to photograph – once you’ve found them.

One of today’s birds (a female) perched long enough for me to get this rather peaceful photo. Bird of the Day.
Hoping those late warblers have left their warm habitat at wastewater treatment plant. Not a good survival strategy. Thank you for bluebird photos, reminds me better days are ahead.