Bruce Co. ON. There is a field, formerly cattle pasture, in a rather off-the-beaten-track corner of Bruce County that many birders visit, almost as a pilgrimage, to see Sandhill Cranes. The now unmanaged grass grows high, the soil is rocky and the landscape is punctuated by the odd abandoned utility pole or gatepost; it’s all rather scenic. In the distance is a large lake, which I know from past experience, is home to River Otters.

We visited this field, as everyone does, to see Sandhill Cranes and were not disappointed. I think we were really as much assured as satisfied at the sight of several cranes stalking around with youngsters in tow.

The dry field and neighbouring scrubby areas held all the expected birds: Gray Catbird, Eastern Bluebird, Barn Swallows, American Kestrel and Savannah Sparrow included. In the distance we could se a Caspian Tern quartering the lake. The day’s bird tally hit sixty when we spotted a Grasshopper Sparrow on top of an old Yellow Mullein stalk. It was some distance away but was quick to move in closer to assess us. We must have been quite close to its nest as it circled us several time. I managed to get more photos than anyone needs. Here are a couple.