7 April 2014. Cayuga ON. On my daily census round at the bird observatory, I was pleased to spot a male Eastern Bluebird picking up food from the dry, flattened grass. From among a list of thirty census species, the bluebird was, by a narrow margin, my Bird of the Day. Dozens of Golden-crowned Kinglets and a couple of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers were strong contenders, but I must have been in a greeting card, or maybe Walt Disney frame of mind to pick the birds that have become synonymous with sweethearts.
Bluebirds are rather difficult to approach; I’ve managed a couple of decent photos over the years but not today, unless you count this one, which is perhaps more artsy than anything. Shooting against a bright sky is always problematic, and trying to persuade the camera to focus on the bird rather than a branch is another challenge. I wouldn’t say I was particularly successful but well, it has its appeal.

Other nice, but not necessarily notable, species included: Eastern Tufted Titmouse, three of them staking out territory; four Tree Swallows, five Northern Flickers (four of them heard but not seen); and a pair of Wood Ducks flying up river.
And then there were the Red-winged Blackbirds, male Red-wings arrive on our doorsteps almost as soon as winter’s ice starts to let go; they are one of the first signs of spring. The females arrive a little later allowing the males a couple of weeks to sort out their territorial claims. It’s an interesting process watching the males establish territories; the first to arrive will noisily claim ownership over an expanse of suitable habitat. As more males arrive they squabble amongst themselves, flashing their red wing patches, chasing and repelling each other, all to loud musical pronouncements. In time they divide up the whole area into territories defined like a jig-saw puzzle.

This one was so busy trying to shout down another male that he hardly noticed me as I took a couple of shots of him in full voice.