Common Raven

2 December 2013. Puslinch ON. Not a birding day for me, just an odds and ends sort of day.  But it included a trip to one of my best birding spots where (please hear my confession) we like to snip a few stalks of Red Osier Dogwood and White Pine; front porch decorations you see. As we walked up a trail I spotted something large and stark white atop a bare maple, sunlit against an approaching bank of charcoal grey storm clouds it was very striking.  I’d left my binoculars at home (not a birding day remember) and regretted it, but I imagine it was a Red-tailed Hawk, although I’ll never know.

Later, as we walked back to the car, we heard the unmistakable, throaty-bass Crwaaark of a Common Raven coming our way.  Turning to watch, it flew overhead and disappeared in seconds; but as Ravens do, it seemed to fly as if blown along by a following wind.  It called again, this time using its surprised voice: Crqueeekt!  And then it was gone.  Bird of the Day I exclaimed.  It was.

One thought on “Common Raven”

  1. Always wondered if there was a day you took a break. Now I know even an avid birder like you takes (well almost) a break from birding.
    This weekend seemed to be especially good for the wildfowl along the edge of waterfront trail in Hamilton. There were mergansers, shovelers, scooters, mallards and the resident swans and cormorants of course. They all hung quite close to the shore so it was easy to view them without binoculars.

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