Bald Eagle chicks

23 March 2013. Cootes Paradise Hamilton ON. We are excited around here.  We’ve had a pair of Bald Eagles hanging around and taking shots at breeding for several years but never successfully.  Last year it seemed they’d finally got on track but in the end it seems the eggs were infertile and nothing came of it.  This year despite a cold and miserable winter, we became aware in mid-late February that the female was on the nest and sitting tight, presumably incubating eggs.  Yesterday a little fuzzy head was seen reaching up to the attending adult and today after several of hours of patient watching we saw two little scrawny-necked heads.  Bald Eagles incubate eggs for at least 35 days so egg laying probably took place in early-mid February.  It will take 10 or more weeks before the young will leave the nest, so lots more drama and anticipation ahead.

I’d made a point of visiting the distant viewing spot to see the Bald Eagles so they were hardly a surprise.  But getting a glimpse of the eaglets was a treat and eclipsed all other sightings.  This photo, taken late last year, is of one of the resident pair, and now a proud parent.

Circling Bald Eagle
Circling Bald Eagle